Tag Archives: Alaska Fisheries Report

Reel History: Fish For Food Banks

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Marina Cummiskey/KMXT
Hi, I’m Marina Cummiskey, an intern here at KMXT as part of the station’s summer archiving project. This week I listened to an Alaska Fisheries Report, produced in November of 1993 by Laine Welch. One of the stories on the reel was about a way to put Alaskan by-catch to good use.
“It’s no secret that the amount of waste in the nation’s fisheries is raising the ire of an increasingly aware public, but the experimental by-catch food bank program, headed by Terra Marine and participants of the Bering Sea Troll Fleet, has holiday meals of salmon being served to the hungry and homeless in Seattle.”
A story the new menu at a low-income housing unit in Seattle, written by Leslie Bennett of KUOW, was aired on NPR’s morning edition.
“St. Martins’ serves three meals a day, seven days a week. Most of its food comes from Food Lifeline, a distribution service for shelters, meal programs, and food banks. James Dale opens the freezer door, and points to the 50 pound boxes of salmon, which have been processed, and frozen. The money for storage, transportation, and processing came from individual donations and contributions.” Continue reading

Reel History: Email for Crabbers

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Yasent Oliver/KMXT
Hello, I’m Yasent Oliver, a summer intern at KMXT as part of the stations summer archiving project. Throughout the summer, I have been listening to various Alaska Fisheries Reports from the 1980s and early 90s. The shows were hosted by Laine Welch, current producer of Fish Radio, which airs daily on KMXT.
While listening to these, one story struck me as quite interesting. The story was about a new technology that could help crab fisherman get closer to the catch quotas: E-Mail. Here are some sound bytes from the news story. Keep in mind, when she says “Morrison,” she is referring to:
“Fish and Game management biologist Rance Morrison at Dutch Harbor.” Continue reading

The Alaska Fisheries Report With Jay Barrett

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Coming up this week, the feds have firmed up their position on the Western Steller sea lions, as the first kings hit the Kuskokwim, communities have decided how to divvy up federal disaster funds, and a former Kodiak biologist releases the definitive guide to king crab. We had help from KUCB’s Lauren Rosenthal in Unalaska, KYUK’s Charles Enoch and Ben Matheson in Bethel, Coast Alaska’s Ed Schoenfeld in Wrangell, and KMXT’s Brianna Gibbs in Kodiak.

The Alaska Fisheries Report

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Coming up this week, millions of salmon eggs are destroyed in a Southeast hatchery fire, as fishermen start thinking about herring, we’ve got the pre-season forecast for Togiak, and you’ve heard of the Law of the Sea, well, we’ve got Fish Law, all coming up on the Alaska Fisheries Report. We had help this week from KFSK’s Joe Viechnicki in Petersburg, KDLG’s Mike Mason in Dillingham, KUCB’s Lauren Rosenthal in Unalaska and APRN’s Liz Ruskin in Washington DC.

The Alaska Fisheries Report

[listen here]
Coming up on this Thanksgiving week show, 2014 forecasts are out for sockeye in Bristol Bay and pinks in Southeast, small boat fishermen work to expand the availability of electronic monitoring, and, keep an eye on your boat this winter, will ya? We’re thankful for help this week from KCAW’s Rachel Waldholz in Sitka, KFSK’s Matt Lichtenstein in Petersburg and KDLG’s Mike Mason in Dillingham.

The Alaska Fisheries Report

[listen here]
Coming up this week, after a one-year experiment, there’ll again be no tanner crab season in the Eastern Aleutians next year; the sea cucumber season is winding down, and not everyone in Southeast got in on this year’s salmon bonanza. We had help this week from KUCB’s Annie Ropeik and  Lauren Rosenthal in Unalaska, KFSK’s Matt Lichtenstein in Petersburg and KHNS’ Margaret Friedenauer in Haines.