Tag Archives: Kodiak College

College Roundtable to Discuss Vessel Courses

Brianna Gibbs/KMXT
Kodiak College is looking to add some new fishing-related courses to its curriculum, and is seeking public input on the matter.
There will be a roundtable discussion on potential vessel repair and maintenance courses that the college would like to offer, and the community is invited to share what they would like to see offered in those classes and what they’d like to learn. The discussion is scheduled for Friday in room 106 of the Benny Benson Building at the college. Starting at 9:30 a.m., all interested shore-based parties and service providers are invited to attend, followed by a discussion with boat owners and crew members at 1 p.m.
The discussions are expected to last an hour and are an opportunity to provide input for making the classes a reality in Kodiak.
For more information, folks can contact the college’s maritime workforce development coordinator, LA Holmes.

Fugleberg Named College Director

Brianna Gibbs/KMXT
Kodiak College has a new director. University of Alaska’s Chancellor, Tom Case, announced earlier this week that Alan Fugleberg  was chosen from a group of nationwide finalists for the position. He was the only local candidate to make the top three, and has been serving as the college’s assistant director for academic affairs at the college since 2011, as well as working as an assistant professor.
Fugleberg holds a Master’s in public administration from the University of Montana, where he worked before coming to Kodiak.
He replaces Barbara Bolson, who served as the director of Kodiak College for more than eight years. A press release from the University of Alaska Anchorage said Bolson will retire on June 30 and Fugleberg began his work as the new director this week.

Bolson to Leave Kodiak College in May

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Brianna Gibbs/KMXT
Kodiak College will see some changes in 2014. Long-time Director Barbara Bolson made the decision to retire this year and move closer to family in Washington.
Bolson leaves the college after more than 27 years in education, eight of those working here in Kodiak. When Bolson first moved to the island it was originally to take a job as an administrator at Kodiak High School, but after one year moved over to the college where she has served as director for seven years.
“I originally came to Kodiak for just a one year contract. But as many of us do, fell in love with the place, and one year led to another and this will be, I’m just finishing up my eighth year. So I stayed here a little bit longer than intended, but I have had a wonderful, wonderful experience. But it is time to get a little bit closer to family. I’m having a grand baby in May that I’m real excited about and so I want to be a part of that grand baby’s life. I had a real close relationship with my grandmother and she really had a huge impact on my life and I want to be that kind of grandmother to my grandchildren too.”
During Bolson’s time with the college, she and the staff helped the educational institution expand in many ways, including tripling the student enrollment and almost doubling the faculty. Continue reading

Third Annual Zombie Run Needs Your Pumpkins

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Brianna Gibbs/KMXT
Halloween is Thursday and many Kodiak door steps are already littered with carved pumpkins, lighting up neighborhoods and enticing soon-to-be trick-or-treaters. But what do folks do with those pumpkins come November 1, when festivities turn toward Thanksgiving, and the ghoulish squash are no longer needed? A group of students at Kodiak College has a suggestion.
Emily Abel is the student government president and said they are holding a pumpkin carving contest after Halloween.
“We’re asking that people bring the submissions in November 1 before 5 p.m. and then the pumpkins will be judged by the runners in the zombie run and the pumpkins will be used to decorate the zombie run.”
Kathryn Hollis-Buchanan is the student government adviser and said folks can get rid of their old pumpkins and help decorate what will be the third annual zombie run.
“It starts at the college, goes back through to Woody Way Loop and then it stays on Rezanof down towards Abercrombie. We’ll have some one there halfway through a 5k to turn them around and they’ll run back to the college.  We do time, it’s not a certified course by any means, but it’s a lot of fun and the cost of it is $5 to enter and all the proceeds go toward a scholarship for students, in the name of Sue Thompson. SO it’s a Sue Thompson scholarship.”
Buchanan said the run has become somewhat of a tradition, and started three years ago to memorialize the college’s former financial aid adviser, Sue Thompson. Continue reading

‘No Hassle’ GED Testing Saturday

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Jay Barrett/KMXT
We’ve had a number of stories this year about how changes are coming to the G.E.D., or General Education Development, test in January. Adelia Myrick, the adult basic education coordinator at Kodiak College told KMXT the 2014 test will likely be longer, more challenging and more expensive.
“I’m all for improving the level of education but I do worry a little bit about closing some doors for some people. Philosophically I suppose I’m in favor of it, but on a real level I think it might be a little hard for some people. I’m just really encouraging people to get in and get it done now.”
In pursuit of that goal, Kodiak College is offering a chance on Saturday for anyone wanting to take the GED test to do so with no hassle. There will be no fees, no paperwork, no assessment and no appointment required. Simply go by the Kodiak College Campus Center room 208 anytime between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. and take the GED.
If you do have questions, call the college at 486-1201.

New College Class Pairs Science With Art

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Brianna Gibbs/KMXT
A new class offered at Kodiak College will give students a chance to blur the line between their left and right brains. Switgard Deusterloh will teach this fall’s introduction to marine science through experiments and art, a new class that pairs her two passions: science and art. Deusterloh spoke on KMXT’s Talk of the Rock on Tuesday and said the course aims to inspire artistic creativity by learning about marine science, but also enhance scientific understanding through art.
“Art is often a way to train the eye to observe more carefully. And that’s where this connection comes in because in the sciences you really need that observation skill as well and to combine the two makes you look more closely at the natural environment and appreciate the beauty that we have.” Continue reading