The Alaska Fisheries Report

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Coming up this week, a familiar face takes on the science advising for a group of Aleutian crabbers, Mark Begich talks about warns against a holiday surprise, and a look at one of the last salmon cultures on earth.
And that’s another year in the tote for the Alaska Fisheries Report. As usual, it couldn’t be done without help from the dozens of fishy contributors near and far. So, in alphabetical order by first name, thank you to: Aaron Selbig, Alexandra Gutierrez, Angela Denning-Barnes, Annie Ropeik, Ariel Van Cleave, Ashley Ahern, Ben Matheson, Brian Lynch, Brianna Gibbs, Casey Kelly, Dan Bross, Dave Bendinger, Ed Ronco, Ed Schoenfeld, Ellen Lockyer, Heather Hardcastle, Joaqlin Estus, Joe Viechnicki, John Sackton, Kyle Clayton, Laine Welch, Lauren Rosenthal, Leila Kheiry, Lisa Phu, Maggie Wall, Margaret Friedenauer, Matt Miller, Mike Mason, Peter Granitz, Phillip Manning, Robert Woolsey, Rosemarie Alexander, Sean Carlson, Shady Grove Oliver, Shaylon Cochran, Sophie Evan, Stephanie Joyce, Tara Bicknell, Tom Banse, Tony Gorman, and Wesley Loy.
We have a special shout-out and thank-you to Matt Lichtenstein of KFSK Radio in Petersburg. He has been a reliable and prolific reporter whose work has brought the stories of Southeast fishermen to life. His work will be sorely missed, and not just by the folks in Petersburg. After nearly two decades, Matt is leaving KFSK next week to become a full-time fisherman. So long Matt, and thanks for all the fish.

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