Anglers Get in on Afognak River Sockeye Bounty

Jay Barrett/KMXT
The sockeye salmon run has been so strong up the Afognak River drainage, that both subsistence and commercial fishing areas were increased near its mouth. Now sportsfishermen can get in on the action. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game in Kodiak has increased the bag and possession limit for sockeye anglers to 10 fish per day and 10 in possession.
The announcement was made by Kodiak Area Management Biologist Donn Tracy in an emergency order on Thursday.
With over half the lower end of the escapement goal for the Afognak drainage already achieved, fish and game is concerned about over-escapement, which could overwhelm the food supply.
Through Wednesday, 10,750 sockeye salmon had passed the weir, while the escapement range is 20,000 to 50,000 fish.
The increased bag limit went into effect one second after midnight on Saturday morning, and will remain in effect until further notice.

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