City Departments Asking Council for Vehicle Expenditure

Brianna Gibbs/KMXT
Two new trucks could be coming to the city of Kodiak. Tonight the Kodiak City Council will meet for a work session and hear from the harbor office and parks and recreation representatives about the need for new vehicles in both departments.
Current trucks used by the city in those departments are in need of repairs, but at high price. Reports and mechanic evaluations filed by the harbor office and parks and rec say it makes more sense to purchase a new vehicle, rather than invest in the repairs that cost more than the value of each truck.
The purchase of two new vehicles will cost an estimated $41,000, but the city approved $40,000 for renewal of the parks and rec fleet in the 2013 budget. Likewise, a memo from the harbor office says there are sufficient funds in the harbor’s budget to purchase a truck.
The council will discuss the proposed purchases tonight and vote on the matter during its regular meeting on Thursday. Those are the only two items up for discussion during tonight’s meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m. in the borough conference room.

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